Whoa! So an entire year has passed since I started orthodontic treatment.
**Reflection: During the year we've lost some great people, one of which was my mentor and inspiration: Elizabeth Taylor. I wrote her a letter as a young boy to which I received a letter back as well as an autographed photo. Yesterday brought the news of another tragic death, that of Whitney Houston...I'm still not over Michael's death. All of the greats are leaving us. **
On Februrary 6 I celebrated a full year in braces - I'm thoroughly embracing it! I seen my orthodontist on February 9 for a regular appointment. At that time the assistant placed a band around one of my molars. *The week before my appointment I was given 2 blue elastic "circular" -looking items to be placed between the molar on each side; this was done to create some space for the band and reduce any tension during the installation of it.* There was no pain felt from the band during the visit nor after. The band makes my molar look like a big black / grey cavity.
The glue/paste used in to maintain adhesion of the band to the molar did not taste as bad as some of the comments I had been reading suggested. I may be biased, as I love going to the dentist.
My orthodontist does not interact with me much which concerns me a bit. She comes to check on me during each appointment for a maximum of 3 minutes. I'm a class III case, with an impacted cuspid and I feel maybe it deserves a little more attention. I had a pan of my mouth done in November, however the assistant took another pan on the 6th (partly because I had said it was my one year anniversary...and pans are done every 6 mths apparently). She has said that my orthodontist must not have viewed the pan from November so she 'flagged' the new one. I'm paying so much money, I just hope that she is taking my case seriously.
Other than the band, nothing new has been happening. It's a progress. I've been reading that sometimes people with braces who see their changes as minor can get depressed. I've been getting a little sad, I have not progressed that much from my view point. I am just so eager to smile, and anxiously looking forward to that day. I've attached some recent images. My teeth look yellow. Fitting a smartphone in ones mouth doesn't yield the best images.
It's been over 17 years since I've smiled publicly with my teeth. I've always maintained my goal of getting braces in order to liberate myself socially and emerge from my cocoon of shyness into the world of social butterflies; a world that seems so foreign to me, yet a world I desire greatly. Well, after 17 years of waiting, I'm now ready to tackle the financial burden of orthodontic treatment. Come along and share the experiences with me as I embark on this lengthy journey.